V90 Shaft
Cabin Lift

V80 Shaft
Platform Lift

V70 Shaft-less
Cabin Lift

Voyager V70 Galaxy/Galaxy+

Voyager V70 Aurora/Aurora+

Voyager V70 Elegance/Elegance+

V90 Shaft
Cabin Lift

V80 Shaft
Platform Lift

V70 Shaft-less
Cabin Lift

Voyager V90 Galaxy/Galaxy+

Voyager V90 Aurora/Aurora+

Voyager V90 Elegance/Elegance+


Global Cibes Designer

Anders P Hellberg

Anders Hellberg is a curious thinker with a great understanding and passion for people and their relationship with objects. He has over two decades of experience as a strategic conceptualist working with a wide range of products and brands in Asia and Europe.

Connecting his Swedish upbringing and education with his experience living in Hong Kong, he brings a unique sense of creativity to his work that has earned him multiple international design awards in industrial and graphic design.

Check out this exemplarily installation!

A Cibes Lift International installation with our distributor Tarlift from Tarnów. This Outdoor Lift is mounted on a viewpoint on the Sieniawska mountain in Poland. Mount Sieniawska is located 449 meters above sea level and the terrace is 6 meters high. It offers a magnificent view of Kielce.

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Our Lift Experts are always ready to help you discover our lifts and technology.
Come find a showroom near you and experience Cibes yourself!

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